Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: October 1, 2023 - Last updated: October 1, 2023


Author: Sara Oliveira Da Mota

Title: Sexual Violence against women in armed conflict

Subtitle: The Yazidi genocide

Thesis: Master's Thesis, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Advisor: Maria Isabel Tavares

Year: 2023

Pages: 57pp.

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 21st Century | Asian History: Iraqi History | Types: Genocidal Rape / Yazidi Genocide


Link: CAtólica REsearch (CARE): Digital Repository of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Free Access)


Abstract: »This dissertation focuses on the case study of the Yazidi genocide committed by ISIS through acts of sexual violence against Yazidi women and girls, like rape and sexual slavery and enslavement. Through this case study we intend to identify the role of sexual violence in the destruction of the Yazidi people and if the crime of genocide was indeed committed through such acts. In a second part, we also sought to pinpoint the possible mechanisms of accountability of the group and its members for acts of sexual violence committed against Yazidi women and girls that led to the destruction of the ethno-religious minority that are the Yazidi.« (Source: Thesis)

  Acknowledgements (p. 5)
  Resumo (p. 6)
  Abstract (p. 6)
  Introduction (p. 9)
  1. Case study: The Yazidi women (p. 10)
    1.1 The Yazidis (p. 10)
    1.2. ISIS (p. 11)
      1.2.1 The Yazidi persecution by ISIS (p. 14)
      1.2.2 Sexual violence against Yazidi women (p. 15)
  2. When sexual violence becomes Genocide (p. 18)
    2.1 Genocide: main elements (p. 18)
    2.2. Mental element: the intent to destroy (p. 20)
    2.3 Sexual violence as a mean to commit genocide (p. 23)
      2.3.1 Use of women to destroy a protected group (p. 25)
      2.3.2 Rape (p. 26)
      2.3.3 Sexual slavery and enslavement (p. 29)
  3. Legal analysis : Genocide of the Yazidis including through acts of sexual violence against women and girls (p. 31)
    3.1. Are Yazidis a protected group? (p. 32)
    3.2 Prohibited acts against Yazidi women (p. 33)
    3.3 Intent to destroy the Yazidis (p. 36)
  4. Accountabiliy and Prosecution of ISIS Members (p. 37)
    4.1. National prosecution (p. 37)
      4.1.1 Universal jurisdiction (p. 40)
    4.2. Prosecution by the ICC (p. 41)
  5. Conclusion (p. 42)
  Bibliography (p. 43)
  Documents, Reports and Press Articles (p. 51)
  Jurisprudence (p. 56)

Wikipedia: History of Asia: History of Iraq / History of Iraq (2011-present) | Genocide: Genocide of Yazidis by the Islamic State | Sex and the law: Rape / Genocidal rape | War: Iraqi insurgency / Sexual violence in the Iraqi insurgency